Recording : Shops/Services

Big Time Studio
Interlaken, NY
Whether it's a bar demo or fully produced album, we have the experience, knowledge, and equipment to help you get a professional recording.
Electric Wilburland
105 Bank St Newfield, NY
The secret to a good music recording is, and always has been a good performance. Helping you capture a good performance is what I do best here at Wilburland.
FingerLakes Audio & Video Recording (FLAVREC)
Ithaca, NY
We (Rob Levine & Alfred Grunwell) are FingerLakes Audio & Video Recording, LLC [or FLAVREC for short].
Fingerlakes Recording
Old-school ultra hi-fi multitrack recording, contemporary multi-camera video production, editing, publishing, restoration & transfer of archival audio & video materials including arcane and obsolete formats, flat project rates - no hourly clock-watching.
Finn Studio
Trumansburg, NY
Finn Studio offers daily or hourly rates for band rehearsal space and/or 16-track recording. Drums, amps, and other gear available if needed.
Howl Studios
1607a Trumansburg Rd, Ithaca, NY
With 14,000 square feet of space and upwards of 30 rooms to choose from, possibilities abound; make it the ideal space for your band practice / rehearsal / recording studio.
I-Town Sound / Hawksview Studio
Ithaca, NY
I-Town Sound / Hawksview Studio is a production and recording studio founded and run by Trevor Thorpe
KBP: Kevin Black Presents
"KBP" (Kevin Black Presents) is a local music booking agent that also offers photography, video, and audio recording service to bands.
New Vine Records
1621 Dryden Rd, Freeville, NY
New Vine offers management, artist development, production, and booking for those signed to the label for two year contract periods at a time.
Pyramid Sound Recording Studios
105 E. Clinton Street, Ithaca, NY
Pyramid Sound offers music production services for the entire album making process including writing, recording, mixing and mastering.
REP Studio
110 North Cayuga St, Ithaca, NY
Recording Studio Rental, Mixing, Mastering, Voiceover Services, Custom and Stock Music, Location Recording, Analog to Digital Transfer - ANYTHING Audio